
Rank Name Puzzle Climb Attempts Accuracy Rating Rating change Checkmate Armageddon
Miquéias 64 352 98% 3182 -46
Pranav_VB 41 97% 3101 101
Marco-o-o 85 368 98% 2762 -48
4 RIMI 65 66% 2671 116
5 Bonesy 115 660 97% 2621 11 63
6 Darío Alzate 73 68% 2587 -5
7 beatgiant 53 41 78% 2549 -11 42
8 ovvl 35 97% 2530 10
9 quarterplay 46 65% 2503 -27
10 Sonofkel62 107 131 98% 2495 -7 36
11 AchimG 57 96% 2454 11
12 ayithiyash2013 312 63% 2417 25
13 negruej 143 99% 2391 18
14 Blauerfreibauer 68 86% 2386 0
15 baridasatranc 34 73% 2372 31
16 aymanEg 33 52 78% 2335 33
17 ravoman1966 35 51% 2331 64
18 Vinod 33 96% 2308 31
19 mkk54038@zslsz.com 35 85% 2303 20
20 Feniks23 36 94% 2299 37
21 ElfTurm 86 553 97% 2297 -26
22 gadi 78 26% 2288 36
23 Christoph Mahnel 48 83% 2268 -55
24 falkbeer 86 607 95% 2259 31
25 Peter Walters 131 96% 2253 853
26 sda 80 131 94% 2250 -4
27 Pafl 38 78% 2246 375 68
28 pietro rotelli 67 169 97% 2243 77
29 Raghu Ram 69 79% 2242 842 69
30 Goran Mihalic 175 54% 2241 97
31 Bernado Tornado 86 1482 94% 2219 258
32 SA_King4 78 1591 96% 2218 140
33 Wojtek Was 68 138 79% 2205 74
34 zseouu 40 85% 2203 23 43
35 snrao 70 92% 2202 54
36 dmk0704 51 150 84% 2197 84 70
37 The Herring 37 83% 2190 47
38 mat064 1600 98% 2187 787
39 Staffan1963 41 70% 2185 47
40 winsed 75 381 94% 2183 -74
41 Dennis572 77 200 95% 2176 89
42 Kai Ullrich 446 85% 2168 83
43 AG269 80 4299 96% 2166 -9
44 Oneofus 157 52% 2163 469
45 Schachlaune 1186 95% 2147 119
46 sarrus1811 56 57 94% 2147 0 67
47 ParashuLoner 54 405 90% 2146 -44
48 CPRK 66 210 82% 2146 746 63
49 Ianchess 61 57 92% 2144 16
50 Fischnikliv20 140 97% 2141 33
51 sammy123 72 56% 2141 -58
52 TsukishimaKei 41 95% 2141 76
53 42 42 92% 2139 58
54 Witek_B 60 49 95% 2134 16
55 Jeroenau 79 1166 92% 2129 -66 42
56 Twinkmann 159 69% 2129 118
57 John Henderson 492 78% 2128 73
58 Chambass 155 92% 2124 62
59 ERFUL 79 86% 2124 724
60 RexplayzzG 377 96% 2123 92
61 Detective_A_Monk 144 56% 2121 -55
62 Korchnoi 199 58% 2115 -32
63 Moorsider 63 248 93% 2113 -49
64 inaccessibles 52 519 96% 2102 81
65 Mr_Ruthless 45 62% 2102 702
66 Nattanahel Alberto Chaves Moya 67 399 93% 2099 699 61
67 Trupko 1081 50% 2093 16
68 Nrzs 42 89 74% 2081 -205 40
69 jan 340 14% 2080 -81
70 Grant Sbrocco 71 572 93% 2079 -19
71 Mattias Poetrymusic 62 83% 2076 17
72 Thomas Avila 53 161 93% 2075 4
73 MPBremen 83 78% 2074 -50
74 IHaiqal 61 574 93% 2073 51
75 Faetze_65 44 52% 2072 14
76 Ekaran 58 63 88% 2070 -65 67
77 acebai 62 179 93% 2068 64 33
78 adirosa 66 1388 93% 2065 89
79 Huvitus 72 534 93% 2063 47
80 Diego 51 63 92% 2063 30
81 Paratuga 72 1291 91% 2062 -28
82 Leviackerman594 65 98 91% 2062 51 67
83 Kaloi 57 147 93% 2056 -3
84 rogerhammons 61 367 94% 2049 -29
85 Aeskulap6 85 55% 2048 -23
86 Pri Morris 61 1134 92% 2046 57
87 Ferguson 77 54% 2045 68
88 smortne 85 94% 2043 15
89 Unbreakable-1 52 165 79% 2041 -58
90 sebszab 57 262 89% 2039 639 52
91 Mustafa akyol 47 87% 2038 -43
92 Gildor 55 58 94% 2036 49
93 MickeyS 46 1483 95% 2033 59 48
94 Guy easim 53 64% 2032 -51
95 Marco 61 732 92% 2030 -52
96 Leeann 77 1519 94% 2027 -5
97 TU71 29 559 91% 2023 44 39
98 DimaPolar 59 204 82% 2021 68
99 hypernocsi 174 69% 2021 26
100 Medvided 53 165 94% 2019 6

Player must have at least 30 attempts. Tied by number of attempts.

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