Quick Guide to the Solution View

In this post, we will give you a quick guide to the solution view. The solution view gives you a chance to get a deeper understanding of the solution to the puzzles. If you failed a puzzle it is a good chance to learn and explore why your solution didn’t work.

Where to find the solution view?

You can access the solution view by clicking on the blue solution button when you have either solved or failed a puzzle.

After clicking on "Solution" you will be presented with this view:

What features are available in the solution view?

Replay the solution and alternate solutions

On mobile devices, use the buttons below the board to replay the solution. You can also scroll down to see the notation of the game, solution and any alternate solutions.

On desktop, you can use the buttons below the board or the cursor keys to replay the solution. The notation of the game, solution, and any alternate solutions are displayed on the right.

The moves of the game are displayed in normal font.
The moves of the main line of the solution are displayed in bold.
The moves of any alternate solutions are displayed in italics.

The move corresponding to the current board position is highlighted in yellow. You can also switch to a position by clicking on the notation of the move.

Replay the whole game

ChessPuzzle.net gives you free access to puzzles based on tournament games. You can therefore not only learn from the puzzle, but also replay the entire game. You can find the player names, titles, the tournament, and dates of the game. It might also interest you if the players found the solution during the game. In the example above Garry Kasparov spotted the move 24.f6! and Ivanchuk resigned immediately. The puzzle solution in bold includes a few more moves.

View alternate solutions

On ChessPuzzle.net puzzles can have more than one solution. This feature will enable us to show you many interesting positions that otherwise would have been discarded by default due to the fact that there is more than one solution. In the solution view, we encourage you to go through the alternate lines and learn from them too. The lines that are alternatives to the mainline are shown in italics.

Try this example and go to the solution view:

In the puzzle both 23.. e4+ and 23...Nxh2+ is working! Both solutions would have been accepted as a correct reply.

Text annotations explaining certain moves

Another useful new feature on Chesspuzzle.net is annotations! The Chesspuzzle algorithm has learned the names of specific tactics and patterns and can give you an explanation so you quickly understand the solution.

In the following example, you can try to solve the puzzle and see the explanation in the solution view.

By learning the proper names of the tactics you will better anchor them in your memory and help you spot them in real games. It will also help you when reading chess annotations in books, online, or in chess magazines.

Analyze the position and make your own moves

Before you turn on the engine it is always a good idea to try to analyze the position on your own. This feature is enabled on chesspuzzle.net and you can move the pieces around in the solution view. You will notice that your moves are recorded on the scoresheet to the right together with the solution.

Engine analysis of the position

You can easily access the engine on ChessPuzzle.net by pressing on the microchip-icon. After pressing on the button Stockfish will open and start analyzing the position on the board. You can see that in the above position the engine evaluates the position to being -5.79 meaning Black is ahead by the equivalent of almost 6 pawns. You can also look at the bar beside the board, which here is completely black indicating the current evaluation. In the solution view, you can easily move the pieces as you like to check the evaluation of your move and find out why it failed.

Like and/or save the puzzle to your personal collection

If you want to create a collection of your personal favorite puzzles you can press the save button (floppy disk icon). Then you will be asked to name your collection, which is useful if you want to have several different collections of puzzles.

Another option is to like a puzzle by hitting the thumbs-up icon. By doing this you will be indicating that you like the puzzle and it will rise on the list of most liked puzzles on chesspuzzle.net. You might want to try some of the top puzzles which are truly amazing!

Introduction video

If you want to access the introduction in video format just press the question mark icon. Then you will get directly to this video:

If you still have questions

You have any unanswered questions please send an email to support@chesspuzzle.net. Also, remember to sign-up for the newsletter for more information and tips about ChessPuzzle.net.

Finally, if you want to support ChessPuzzle.net and access the ad-free version, join Premium here.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Martin Bennedik

Founder of ChessPuzzle.net, International Correspondence Chess Master

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